In the realm of digital marketing, the customer's journey through a brand's marketing program unfolds predominantly on mobile devices. From engaging Facebook posts to concise Twitter updates, and from email campaigns to captivating website content, brand-consumer interactions seamlessly traverse the screens of various devices. This multi-device engagement not only amplifies the brand's message but also showcases its dynamic presence across diverse platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, email communications, and website content.

However, the customer's attention to mobile is limited because when the customer is reading mobile messages, there are high chances that he may get distracted due to various reasons which include

  • Push notification from game apps and other new sites
  • Entertaining MMS and SMS from family and friends
  • Work-related emails
  • Social media notifications like Instagram photo tags and @replies
  • Alerts from credit card companies and banks
  • Urgent update or messages regarding travel plans
  • Invitations to talk regarding on a video chat or phone
  • Mobile marketing messages from other brands as well

Customer interaction through mobile isn't a onetime process of securing a phone number followed by sending few text messages. Every mobile interaction that a brand makes with its customers, it is a moment that will engage the customer with the brand; this will make your brand's presence firm in customers mobile in boxes.

In this mobile Idea File, we will present you some exact examples regarding ‘what to say' and ‘how to say'. We will also give some examples that explain properly regarding how to go about in each stage of comprehensive centric mobile strategy which begins with acquiring new customers), and is followed by customer getting involved in knowing brand value & benefit), which leads to customer's engagement with the same as the customer sees the brand providing solution to all his need and this finally ends productively where the customer decides to use the brand always.

In this entire process of mobile strategy which begins with obtaining customer's attention and finally ends with retaining; one has to experiment to find out that at every step which strategy works the best in retaining the mobile shelf space. The mobile is the touch point through which your customer will get to know the brand. As the customer sees his need getting fulfilled he may decide to get involved with your brand through this mobile program.

Directly come to the stage where you need most inspiring mobile messaging templates and examples to create such mobile moments where the brand information conveyed through mobile reaches the customer directly and firmly that the customer is not distracted by any other emails, alerts, invitations or notifications.

Acquire- Obtaining new mobile subscribers

Onboard- Bring these new subscribers to get connected to your business

Engage- Engage these subscribers in a way to so that they are turned into clients

Retain- Maintain relation with these customers with the help of your centric mobile strategy



All this begins with the customer does research to make a purchase. The success of a brand depends on how well it is available at that time when the customer is searching to fulfill his need. For this, a mobile connection has to be made with the brand so that it is clearly and easily visible also adding value to the customer's need. All these begins with acquiring new mobile subscribers

Ways To Acquire New Centric Mobile Subscribers

For customers their phone is a highly valued and personal space; understanding this you have to explain to your customers how essential and useful it is to make a mobile bond with their brand.

No opportunity must be missed to get connected with new customers via mobile. The customer must get connected to every such place where your brand has visibility. These places include:

In the mail

Traditional communication methods can be used which includes mobile call-to-action on an invoice, packaging, statement or direct mail piece.

In the inbox

Prepare an email campaign for customers who will view it in their mobile devices. Offer an attractive incentive which will make customers download your app. You can also visit m-Commerce site or sign up for the SMS program.

On your website

pop-up to the website can be added that encourage for the mobile subscription (here the site can be clearly viewed on a mobile device). More over with a web-based API-triggered SMS opt-in you will be sure that you are following TCPA, CTIA, and MMA best practices.


A customer in a store can be offered store membership card or may be asked to fill feedback form doing which the customer will get various offers and discounts.

Exclusive text –in deals through in-store opportunities can be offered with a point of sale receipts and signage. In-store signage can also be used for promoting SMS offerings and email.

In your CRM

It does not matter how the customers are opted in, ensure that the subscribers are added in the CRM records.


After a subscriber has chosen to receive push messages and text messages, you would surely not want to go silent. This is the best time when the new subscribers will get a chance to know your business. You have sent the new subscriber welcome e-mails; similarly now the mobile marketing strategy will help must be planned in such a way that the subscriber will know your business better and better. This can take from ten days to two months. How much time it will take depends on the mobile messaging strategy that has been planned for them.

This centric mobile marketing strategy includes conveying messages using these following methods

  • SMS- Short Message Service: A short text that is exchanged between mobile phone device or fixed lines
  • Multimedia Message Services (MMS): This is quite similar to SMS but here the message can include images, sound, and video
  • Push notification: Usually appears on the mobile device of the user; it is a message that is sent from an app which is downloaded on the device.

Tips for On-Boarding Your New Subscribers

Before you plan a strategy for onboarding new subscribers, you must realize that subscribers expect and welcome communication that speaks directly about their preference, behavior and past relation with your brand.

When you welcome new subscribers, you must focus on targeting criteria, for example, previous shopping experiences. By doing all these you are connecting well and deep with your customers. All these will add value to the welcome message from the start.

In the welcome series, options can be included for subscribers that will tell you their specific need regarding what they wish to receive through the new mobile relationship. For example, you can do this by asking them to text three products of your brand regarding which they appreciated special offers. You can also ask for their state or city so that you can work on messages that they will receive.

When you are on boarding new subscribers, you must remember that PUSH notification and SMS is normally accompanied by sound; so you have to make sure not to send these at rest hours of customers. You have to take special care of this especially at growing stages of your relationship with customers. You must not send message after 9 PM or before 11 AM as per the time zone.

‘In the initial stages i.e. in the first few months you will not be on-boarding more than thousands of new mobile subscribers.'

However, you cannot judge your success with a big list of subscribers. Initially a smaller but a more engage group will choose and like to hear from you; they are none other than your super fans. Your goal must be to show them a rewarding and relevant mobile experience from the beginning.

Onboarding Plan example

  • MSG 1: Welcoming sentence- “Welcome to XYZ outfitters alerts! Data & message rates may apply.
  • Max 2 msg/mo. Reply STOP to cancel. Reply HELP for help.
  • MSG 2: Congratulations! You have earned $50 off your next purchase. Enter coupon code XXXX at check out

MSG 3: Download the XYZ app for easy shopping on the go!

The above welcome series of 3 outbound SMS messages has an app download request and special offer.


Your most engaged customers are those who interact with your brand by means of mobile specific channels. For example, a mobile coupon will have a 20% redemption rate when compared to traditional print's 1% and other PC based coupons. It is only with a combination of testing and consistency, the excitement of subscribing to your brand's MMS, SMS and push notification can be maintained even after the freshness of the same has worn out.

Know How To Engage Your Mobile Subscribers

You must remember that your customers are getting engaged with your brand which includes messaging that is based on their preference. You must send messages at times that will be useful and add meaning to the current sales volume and customers. For example, you can send a family discount at your restaurant on Sunday afternoons.

Push notifications are a successful way to reengage customers along with combining channels so that each customer can be best served. If you want to see that if it's possible for customers to make purchases via the app; then you can do this by sending a push message like this, “there are four items in your cart. Do you still wish to check out? To draw the customer's attention back to the app.

Apart from this, an e-mail can also be sent about account renewal which goes unopened followed up via an SMS sent a week later. Such a multi-channel approach improves your customer's journey and takes them ahead within it.

Here Are Some Creative Tactics That Will Help You Engage Your Mobile Subscribers

  • Send Dynamic coupon codes: The marketing messages can be advanced with profile driven, dynamic deals or offers. Limit the overuse and sharing of the same by individualizing them
  • Promote your app: A direct link to the page or store can be sent which will allow your subscribers to download the app

    Mobile subscribers can be asked to join an email database: Promote your e-mail program and reengage with mobile subscribers that will lead to a new contact
  • Tie up all current events: Event based campaign or holidays can be promoted to break the boredom of the usual messaging
  • The brand's social media account can be promoted: All your social account must be linked when there is a special event or contest going on.
  • Setup Keyword response program: Allow your on-the-customers the permission to request on-demand information directly from their mobile devices.
  • Take a vote: An inbound ‘vote' SMS template for the purpose of capturing votes can be set up, al for a multi-answer or true/false vote program.
  • Send Countdown: A countdown campaign can be set up that will include up to 3 SMS to count down to a special event and remind subscribers to take part.
  • Send Data-triggered messages: The subscriber data can be imported such as data or location of last purchase to deliver useful 1:1 SMS messages. For example; a message like this can be sent for someone who has not made a purchase for the past 30 days.

    “Welcome! Receive 20% off on your first purchase!

Enhance Push with Location: Incorporate your customer's location data to trigger push messages. this can be done to target customers when they are near you, in common spaces where one can drive the app interaction; even at the competitors' area here, customer's location can be used to drive more targeted and relevant messaging.


retainAre you noticing mobile subscribers getting engaged with your campaign by redeeming coupons? Responding to your question or by following another type of action or call? If you are noticing this then congratulations on your hard work!

If not then we would suggest you go deeper in working out the tactics that have been mentioned in the Engage section. Once you begin engaging customers, work isn't done there you have to push it beyond to establish brand loyalty and continue it further to enhance customer life cycle by mobile messaging.

Know How To Retain Your Mobile Subscriber

To personalize your mobile strategy, collect more data about your mobile subscriber. Don't ask too many personal questions too soon and scare off new subscribers. Allow your customers to manage their message preference to gain valuable data without making the process invasive. Each subscriber's data can be tracked by a unified profile centers so that a common view of the person is available irrespective of the channel.

Take note of these advanced strategies to improve loyalty, customer service, overall subscriber experience at the same time retaining mobile messaging permission.

  • Offer valuable content by mobile
  • Motivate subscribers for reengaging
  • After the transaction, don't leave motivate them immediately
  • Mobile messaging must be used to follow up after store visits or in-person meeting

The mobile messaging program is the best for your brand lovers. They will receive on the go information about service and offers that will timely match their preference and behavior.

An all-around mobile strategy must link your messaging with these customer attributes; these includes

  • App download
  • Customer ID
  • Email address
  • Facebook fan
  • Loyalty program member
  • Mobile number
  • Reviewer
  • Store purchaser
  • Twitter follower
  • Website cookie

Remember the goal is to understand each customer properly to provide useful digital messages. whether, that is done via Push notification, SMS, Facebook updates or email; always consider the channel that is best to deliver the current message.

Once you are noted in the customer's mobile shelf space, it does not give you a grantee forever. You have to make use of every opportunity to validate your presence. Continue with test approaches, offers, timings, landing pages to understand what will be liked by your mobile audience the most.

Your mobile messaging strategy must begin and end with the customer's wishes and provide content that will bring real value. If you are successful in this, then you will be successful in maintaining a sustainable relationship.